Monday, 4 July 2016

“Graphic designer” + Mudassir Qayyum

Major Tools of Graphic Design 

01. A Computer / A Mac in Graphic Design
Now while this first point may seem a bit obvious, nobody can deny that a computer is a necessary tool in just about all creative industries.
 Computer graphics designers use their creativity and technical skills to create graphic designs that visually represent a design concept and his view. The computer software applications used by computer graphics designers help them create interactive web platforms, computer animation, product packaging, books, magazines, and a variety of other products. Specific career options for a computer graphics designer include web designer, animator, computer graphics design instructor, interactive graphics artist and retail display artist.
Whatever your choice may be, a computer is definitely one of the biggest tools a graphic designer needs under their belt, not only for work purposes but also for research, education and networking and for designing – a computer’s uses for modern day designers are endless. And yet, interestingly, of all the designers we have spoken to, when asked what things they see as crucial to their design process, all of them listed their computer towards the end of the list – further proof that it doesn’t matter what specific tools you have, what matters is what you do with them.

02  . A Smartphone in designing

Where would many of us be without a smartphone? Up a creek with no paddle, most likely.

Not only is a smartphone a great tool for keeping in contact with clients and colleagues, it has also evolved into a means of on-the-go research, organization and inspiration hunting.

One of the more important features smartphones have that all designers should make use of is the camera.

I’ve also seen trees with amazing branches or root structures, flowers, and other things like that I take pictures of throughout my day.” A well-curated and diverse collection of snapshots can act as your own personal library of inspiration. So don’t be afraid of getting a little snap-happy.


These advanced Android cameras also come with some excellent pre-installed software. It lets you apply filters and frames as well as draw, crop, flip and rotate the image.


03. Paper work in designing

Now, In paper work graphic designing, it’s important to not get caught up too much in the ‘graphic’ part. Many designer finds that the ability to put down both written and visual ideas onto paper instantly is an invaluable part of his creative process

The first reason that you should sketch on paper before designing on computer is your idea will flow more naturally. After all sketching on the paper is certainly more user-friendly than typing on the computer, as you can draw or write anything on the paper so freely and naturally.
There are many professional graphic artists who always bring their sketchpad to meetings with their clients. This is because sketching is actually faster than using computer when brainstorming with the clients.

04. Music for Relax

Have you ever found that you work that little bit better when you have music playing? Well it is not just a coincidence but actually proven that “those who listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and came up with better ideas than those who didn’t, because the music improved their mood and then they works more faster.”
Inspiration is such a key part of any creative process and systematic plan, but as we all likely know, it’s a fickle thing that can be strike at random times. Bouts of inspiration can come from just about anywhere which is what makes it both elusive and plentiful.
Many designers, inspiration strikes once they have stepped away from the digital world.

05. Breaks
 Work brings together, people of different characters and behavior, and this often causes friction, resentment and stress. Sometimes we may be unpleasant, there might be too much work, or the working conditions might not be comfortable and Sometimes, the designing might be boring, in both condition we need break for rest for some relax and mental peace.

06. Goals
Being a designer often means that you have a lot on your plate at once, so setting (and more importantly sticking to) goals is a necessity. Whether you work freelance and set your own hours, or if you are a part of an organisation and have set hours, consistent, logical and reasonable goals are a must to maintain productivity and motivation

you should sketch on paper before designing on computer is your idea will flow more naturally. After all sketching on the paper is certainly more user-friendly than typing on the computer, as you can draw or write anything on the paper so freely and naturally.

Friday, 1 July 2016

“Graphic designer” + Mudassir Qayyum

what is Graphic design?
Graphic design is art with a purpose. It involves a creative and systematic plan to solve a problem or achieve certain objectives, with the use of images, symbols or even words. It is visual communication and the aesthetic expression of concepts and ideas using various graphic elements and tools on different software.

Skills in graphic design:
A graphic design project may involve the styles of text and images developed by the graphic designer. 

Visual arts:

 The visual arts are art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and architecture. Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs .